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Our Sales Brain and the Other Side of the Law of Attraction

July 30, 202423 min read – Our Sales Brain and the Other Side of the Law of Attraction

In the next episode of, we’ll explore the power of psychological principles in sales with Federico Heine, Business Development Representative at Enshored. Federico combines his expertise in psychology and sales to offer a unique perspective on how to connect with clients on a deeper level and drive sales success.

In this episode, we'll ask:

* How can logotherapy be applied in sales to enhance connection and trust?

* What role does the Law of Attraction play in shaping a successful sales mindset?

* How does the brain process and respond to symbolic preparation before sales interactions?

* What techniques can sales professionals use to align their mindset with their sales goals?

* How can salespeople leverage psychological insights to overcome fear and enhance performance?

With a background in psychological counseling and business development, Federico brings a profound understanding of how the mind works in sales situations. His experience in helping startups become unicorns and his role in global account management provide him with unique insights that can help sales professionals elevate their approach and achieve greater success.

Join us live for an enlightening discussion on the psychological strategies that can transform your sales approach.

This week's Guest was -

This week's Host was -

Transcript of Early Edition 2024-07-30

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:00:02]:

Hola, valuepreneurs and self shakers. This is your host, Helga Saraiva-Stewart, founder of LEAD Results. I'm so happy that you could join us again. It's so lovely to see you and to have your company. This is the place to meet the most wonderful, guests and speakers and connect with the most interesting expertise in my opinion, and today is no exception. We have got the wonderful Federico Heine. Federico, it's so welcome to have you here. Tell us a little bit about you, who you work for, and what do you do for your customers.

Federico Heine [00:00:42]:

Okay. Basically, I'm I study psychology. I'm a psychologist, but I always worked on on the corporate world work on sales. So, it's inevitable to mix both professions and and create this unique profile that is really useful for sales. Right?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:01:02]:

Absolutely. And tell us a little bit about who you work for because today's show is about the law of attraction. Right? Yeah. So tell us a little bit about that and how it works. In fact, tell us a little bit more about you. What do you do and who you work for, and what do you do?

Federico Heine [00:01:21]:

Okay. I I work on sales. I'm in charge of the European, region on a North American VPO, an outsourcing campaign. And, basically, what we do is we build teams, for specific departments. We we gather. We understand the tasks, and we replicate them on other countries to do them remotely and to be more efficient. And for the the the the boss is not taking care of certain departments that are not that centered on. They are not helping them to grow that that much.

Federico Heine [00:01:52]:

So we try to to to take care of these departments for them.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:01:57]:

I love it. I love it. It's great to know. Now I wanna know this is a $1,000,000 question, right, which is all about mindset. But you introduced me to this crazy word called logotherapy. What on earth is logo therapy?

Federico Heine [00:02:18]:

Yeah. Logo therapy is, it's, you have more than 210, psychological schools, different approaches. Logotherapy is one of them. And, basically, what it says, the logotherapy, is that, you understand your meaning. You understand your goal in life. So, basically, being happy and being satisfied with what you are and what you're doing is about knowing where you're going. So at this point, logotherapy is a therapy based on your meaning. Very simple.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:02:54]:

Wow. And and we're getting to I mean, we have to dive right into this law of attraction. I'm particularly, curious to to really understand it. I mean, speaking with you is delving into the the world of the brain, which I absolutely love. So help us understand about this law of attraction. What what is that on the power?

Federico Heine [00:03:21]:

You know that, there's a there's a lot of, exceptions and different points of view of what law of attraction is. And I always try to, be the more scientific I can when I try to define something. And when I go through the brain, you have a lot of studies and you have a lot of exams and and and reports that talks about how the brain behaves when you apply the law of attraction. You know? So, the law of attraction basically is trying to understand what you put in front of you as an objective and then how the brain behaves towards this.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:04:02]:

Okay. So, you know, so there's there's a there's a there's a lot here. I'm inviting, if you're if you're out there listening to, to help to challenge Federico here, on this psychological, you know, understanding in science. Is there an art and a science to this law of attraction and how the brain behaves, and this sense of purpose that we give it?

Federico Heine [00:04:31]:

Yeah. You know that it's it's kind of curious because when, when I say the brain behaves, we are treating the brain as a as a different as a different thing that is apart from us, that is separated from us. And we know and we try to understand how it works because we want the brain to work for us. Okay? So, basically, what we what what we understand is what we have to put around us, what are the inputs that I can stimulate to my brain to to use the law of attraction, to to our advantage. You know? So, basically, when when I when I when I'm talking about this, I say, okay. What do I need to see? What do I need to think? What do I need what do I need to say to myself? And what do I need to simulate to achieve this specific goal?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:05:23]:

And and how does this whole thing work? So how can we tell our brains to be successful in selling? How do we Good. Because, I mean, I think you're saying that our brain's a muscle. Right? I really do believe our brain is a muscle. And so how do we exercise it to achieve and optimize and tuning to this law of attraction? You know that,

Federico Heine [00:05:50]:

I I think when you when you are on a sales interview, when you are on a on a sales meeting, you have to raise there. So, basically, what I I think there there's a there's a part that you that you talk to your brain itself, and then you talk to the other person brain. And this is not something that is literal. But, basically, when you talk to your brain, you you try to to to become to be positive, to understand what you're doing there, and to be focused on what you're doing, not filling your head with a lot of different things and different problems. Everybody has problems, but here, what we're trying to to visit, the the the more the the cleaner we can at that moment to be the more the more aware, the more focus we can there. And then on on the other person brain, especially your your prospect or your possible clients, what we're trying to say to this brain is you can trust me. Okay? Basically, I understand your need. I understand your your profound need, the the different levels of your needs, and then I will satisfy them because my product can can satisfy that, and myself, as a consultant, can help you too.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:07:02]:

And so help us to understand. Can we see how this works? I mean, is that kind of like a game or a role play?

Federico Heine [00:07:11]:

Yeah. Yeah. I

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:07:12]:

know. We're putting you on the spot. I'm sorry, my friend. You know me. It's okay. It's okay. Can we see this working?

Federico Heine [00:07:21]:

You know that, I I think that we can we can do, like, sort of, a simulation, a situation that I could be the the the salesperson, and you could be my possible client. Okay. Maybe we can we can set up, like, a scenario where where I'm trying to maybe sell you sells you, sell you a a wellness program, maybe, for example.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:07:44]:

That sounds great. A wellness. You mean health health and wellness. Yes? I love that. Okay. I love health and wellness. Is it, oh, actually, I'm not gonna say it. I'm I was I was about to give you some context, and then I thought, no.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:08:00]:

No. I'm not gonna You

Federico Heine [00:08:01]:

can you can you can No. I'm not

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:08:02]:

gonna be there, guys. You don't know me. You don't know me. So, basically, you know so okay. So, you know, it's lovely to meet you, Federico. You know, it's it's lovely to to be connecting with you.

Federico Heine [00:08:17]:

Thank you, Helia. It's a pleasure to meet you too. Tell me something. Here here we are to talk about our our service, but firstly, I would like to know you a little better. Okay? So, besides that, I can tell you our features, our prices, or whatever you need to know. I want to know first why you would like to hire a service like this.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:08:37]:

Well, I'm concerned, for my health, obviously, but it's important for me to be a good role model to my son. My son loves sports, and I want it to remain that way. I wanted to see his parents lead a healthy lifestyle, but also kind of be that role model for him as he continues to grow and getting older and fight the video game force.

Federico Heine [00:09:09]:

That's good, Helica. That's good. You know that that I have kids too, and and and not only being a a role model. Maybe what I what I appreciate of being healthy is that I I can play with them. So I can interact with them on a on their own level. So, that really makes me happy. What do you think about this?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:09:30]:

Yeah. It's it's lovely. Yes. I mean, of course, we love to interact in all sorts of different ways. I mean, we love games as well. And I'm talk I'm not talking about video games, but board games because it gets us around the table. It gets us socializing with friends. It gets our friends, who are adults to socialize with the son and are socializing with their young children.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:09:53]:

So it's it's a real family occasion. So, sport is not necessarily what drives all of the interactions at home.

Federico Heine [00:10:02]:

That's good. You know that, our program is based on on on different online sessions that will help you to to be in shape, that will help you to eat better. And at that point, if you have any health need, we can provide it in less than 24 hours. But I think it's really important, this this matter of, being there for your kids and and feeling the best you can. So let me I I will send you our presentation, and then we can book a a second meeting to talk about, the features and the prices. What do you think about that? Sure.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:10:38]:

So just stepping out of the role play, I would like to point out how I like how you didn't, centered the conversation around your product or around your solution. And is this what you were meaning, when you're talking about the law of attraction and local therapy? Because if I it, you were talking about finding the purpose. And, you know, we're not talking about finding our purpose, but we're talking about finding the purpose of of our Yeah. Clients. Right? And so you were driving so it sounded like your questions were driving to really do this discovery about what are the issues or the results that are important to our customer. Right? Am I am I saying this is is this flow?

Federico Heine [00:11:31]:

Yeah. It's it's very it's very correct. What I want to add is that, I think that I I I don't want to say which are the people's purposes. Okay? But I think a good purpose is to help somebody and need to feel good about what you're doing, and you're providing you're giving value, and you feel good about it. So at that point, what we're trying to do here is try trying to have a meaningful conversation with somebody that you're giving a product that you trust, that you're confident that it's a good product, and you're confident that you're feeling a need, you're fulfilling a need that your client has. Yeah. So at that point, understanding the purpose is not going toward your interest, but your client's interest.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:12:17]:

Oh, I love that. And so so a cut a client making a purchase decision becomes connected and aligned to a deeper meaning and a deeper purpose for their customer. Exactly. Exactly. And and can we how how can we differentiate at that point? Because, you know, differentiation is something that's really important, you know, in in my sales brain. I'm always thinking, how can I be unique? How can I be different? Not necessarily sometimes how can I be better necessarily? Right? You wanna be the only at at helping your customer to achieve that purpose and that higher goal, in in what in what you're doing. Right? You want your option to be different to the others. And so does the law of attraction tap into that, into kind of, how can we differentiate ourselves once our client or prospect have shared with us that deeper meaning and that deeper purpose?

Federico Heine [00:13:30]:

Yeah. You know that the the law of attraction works in both ways. Either either us or either the clients. Because, basically, the law of attraction is like, trying to understand how we learn things. Basically, we learn things because they are around us. Okay? So, basically, when you're an adult, you can, put the things that you want in front of you, and you can repeat yourself the things that you want to stimulate them and to make them grow. And in the in the case of a client, you have, like, a mixture between your purpose that is an authentic and honest purpose and the purpose of the client for you to to to accomplish the mission of giving a good or doing something good for that person.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:14:22]:

Oh my gosh. I I love that. And, you know, I I I, you know, I I teach. Right? I I I Yeah. And a lot of the students that you know, I love Howard Wek's, you know, growth mindset. And I love when she talks about the not yet and rewarding, the not yet. You know, you're not there yet. And, what I find fascinating is you you typically, when you find people when you come across people with a fixed mindset, they would tell you that they have a really open mindset.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:15:06]:

Yeah. And so I you know, you talk about we can shape our thoughts. Right? Is that what you're

Federico Heine [00:15:16]:

talking about?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:15:16]:

You can shape our thoughts that we can use visual visualization to see things and invite things into our into the way we think so that that shapes our behavior, so that we invite, you know, a certain kind of reaction on the other side. But

Federico Heine [00:15:35]:

It works very it's it's very simple because it is not only the things that you repeat to yourself, but also where you put the attention. Because, basically, the attention can be something can cap your your attention, and maybe you don't choose where you put your attention your attention. But when you stimulate and you repeat yourself something, you're focusing you're you're you're creating an an atmosphere that the the attention is more directed. You know? There's a there's a neurological system called Sarah. Okay? It's a reticular system.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:16:12]:

How does it spell?

Federico Heine [00:16:14]:

Sara, s a r a.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:16:17]:

Oh, just Sara. Okay. Like the name. Okay.

Federico Heine [00:16:20]:

Sarah. Without the h, Sarah.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:16:22]:

Okay. It's like Your system.

Federico Heine [00:16:25]:

Neurologically speaking, it's brain cells die and are born all the time. Okay? So, basically and this path on this path of information, it's, it it's patronized when you when you see the things in in the same way all the time. So, basically, what you do when you repeat yourself something and when you try to focus on on one unique goal, all the things that are happening around you, will be related to this. Let's say, for example, involuntarily, you buy a car. And and and when you buy a car, you see you you buy a, I don't I don't wanna say brands better. You buy a a very expensive car, and you you are not aware.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:17:12]:

So an Aston Martin then.

Federico Heine [00:17:13]:

You you see the car all the time then. You're you're driving your car, and then you are aware that the car is around you all the time.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:17:21]:

Yes. So Like like pregnant women. Like, you think about you you you know, when I was pregnant, I never saw so many, and I've seen so many pregnant women around me. And I'm not talking about in the places that I went where we were supposed to be or be there because we were pregnant, but you just saw them everywhere. I never know where they

Federico Heine [00:17:39]:

That that's that's really interesting because what I'm trying to say here is that you don't choose exactly where you're putting your attention. You're experiencing something, and then your attention goes directly to that. So, basically, the word is a complex word. It's a complex place with a lot of information. And when when I say you put something in front of you, I'm saying, okay. If you put this in front of you, your at your involuntary attention will go to that direction. So you see a lot of babies, a lot of pregnant, women there out there because you were pregnant. Okay? But let's say that you propose to be pregnant in your thoughts.

Federico Heine [00:18:22]:

Understand? Wow. So that that's how it works.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:18:26]:

Wow. And so so back to selling, if if I want to if I'm if I manage to get a meeting with this, you know, high value prospect And they're the one I mean, if I close them, I will, you know, make a a big step towards meeting my quota, or my targets. You know, can I think myself successful with that prospect? Is that is that what is that in?

Federico Heine [00:18:58]:

No. That, thinking of being successful, it's like maybe it's like the ultimate consequence. You know? I think that maybe the something that you can bring to the table when you're on a meeting, it's like trying to dig a little deeper of of what that purchase means to that person. Mhmm. A little more profoundly, not a lot, because you're not on a on a psychological interview. You're just talking with somebody that want to do a purchase. But if you can know what is the meaning of the purchase to that person, This this person is not only buying a service or a product, but is buying from another person. So I think that's the interesting part.

Federico Heine [00:19:46]:

You're not only selling something. You're selling yourself.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:19:50]:

Mhmm. Mhmm.

Federico Heine [00:19:51]:

So at that point, if you can connect with that person, that person is going to trust you. And, eventually, their defenses are going to be lower, and they are going to be really more open to show what what they need and and and then you can offer what you got.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:20:07]:

Yeah. Do you know you're reminding me of, of this of this mantra, I suppose. I try I try to live by as much as possible. It's it's not easy, but it's, you you know, it's so everything can pretty much be commoditized nowadays as well as uncommoditized. And in in the in the in the in the minds of our customers, the way, that we nowadays, the world that we live in, what we can do to truly differentiate ourselves, I believe, is with, with the value, right, that we deliver in every interaction, understanding the value that we deliver and and and delivering that value in every interaction. Our mindset. Right? And this and and and and the story that we tell to communicate that value. And when you talk to me about the law of attraction, it seems to touch all 3, in a way that Of course.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:21:19]:

Right? Because the law of attraction starts with your mindset and how you visualize things and how you shape your reality, how you want it, and where you put, you know, where you invest, your thoughts and and your focus and your emotions. And then understanding the value that you deliver to your customer, but from the point of view of how they perceive it rather than how you perceive it. And then the story that you tell to communicate that value aligned with the purpose of your customer, that seems to just tie in the law of attraction with all 3.

Federico Heine [00:21:58]:

Yeah. You know that, what what is the law of attraction about? And I think it's it's one of it's one factor that I would add to our analysis that is honesty. You know? When you when you apply the law of attraction, you're being honest with yourself. You're not directing. You're not manipulating the situation to say, okay. I'm going to convince this guy to buy this thing that he doesn't really need. So, basically, if you do your sales job correctly, you are finding the right profile, and you're you're selling a proper solution for a proper need. So at that point, I think what what what is now happening on every human relation in sales world is that sales are are being more honest.

Federico Heine [00:22:50]:

So I think that what the clients are are looking for, honesty. If you can say, hey. I don't think this product is going to fit really well, but can we solve this part of your problem? So at that point, you're not saying it's wonderful, it's complete, but you can do this. Or if it's complete and it's wonderful, your client is going to feel it really good, really completely integrated. So it's not artificial. You know? Yeah. It's not. So I think that sales, it's about being honest.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:23:23]:

In in your experience, do you feel that, this approach and and this, way of doing sales sales is more embraced by sales professionals or by sales leaders. Do you find that sales leaders embrace that concept? In your experience, that is. I'm just because I know that you've, you know, you've got experience across different countries. Maybe elaborate a little bit more on the different countries that you've you've you've had experience in sales and in business development. But, you know, often, if you have pressure from the top to hit your targets no matter what and ethics is not discussed or even valued, then this concept and this approach is completely out the window. Right? And if leadership doesn't want it, leadership doesn't want it.

Federico Heine [00:24:21]:

If you target correctly, I think if you do a proper targeting on your strategy, there there there are always going to be people that need your solution. If you're pushing to sell your solution in the wrong audience, in in the wrong market, it's your mistake. So at that point, the pressure is valid because you're doing something wrong in your strategy. So I I I I I appreciate, I value, I I I care about my my sales goals. But at the same time, I understand that they should be organic, and they should be a con a proper consequence of my will than job. Understand?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:25:03]:

No. I love that. I mean, this is this is one of the reasons why I really I really like where you come from. Do you find in your experience that target, especially with the technology enabling us to do more spraying, machine gunning our clients rather than, you know, being more of a sniper, being more selective, being better at qualifying. Do do you find that technology is helping us to be more selective, or do you think that technology is actually enabling us to be more let me try and target everyone and see who actually, you know, hits the net?

Federico Heine [00:25:43]:

I think that it's both. I think that a a a a well spent budget on targeting is based on using different channels and study what is the behavior and not making assumptions. You know? Like, you you can you can be the sniper on certain channels and with a certain speech and a position, and then you can you can you can use a machine gun with a more, less subtle strategy. You know? And and according to the to the interactions and the data that you gather on both words, you can create a a well proper strategy. I think that all the strategies should be various. You know?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:26:26]:

Yeah. We value

Federico Heine [00:26:27]:

You know how much our, how how much information and and budget you how to put in each channel Mhmm. With frequency and in each quantity. You know?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:26:39]:

I love that. You do know that I could speak with you, like, the the whole day. Right? I can't I can't even believe 26 minutes have gone past, and I I've gotta say, so long. See you soon. And I know I'll be speaking with you soon. You have now moved to Portugal as well. Everybody out there, please connect with Federico. He's such a, a a a a valuable chest of, great ideas, especially if you love psychology, and mindset.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:27:12]:

This law of attraction Federico, you you make a lot of sense when you talk about it. I would invite everybody at home. They're listening wherever you may be. Join us again soon. The team is here for you at Sales TV. We love having you with us. Federico, come back. Alright? And join us again another time.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:27:31]:

I'm looking forward to speaking with you soon. To everybody there

Federico Heine [00:27:35]:

Thank you.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:27:35]:

Thank you, guys. See you soon. See you.

Federico Heine [00:27:37]:

Thank you. Bye bye. A pleasure. Bye bye.

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Our Sales Brain and the Other Side of the Law of Attraction

July 30, 202423 min read – Our Sales Brain and the Other Side of the Law of Attraction

In the next episode of, we’ll explore the power of psychological principles in sales with Federico Heine, Business Development Representative at Enshored. Federico combines his expertise in psychology and sales to offer a unique perspective on how to connect with clients on a deeper level and drive sales success.

In this episode, we'll ask:

* How can logotherapy be applied in sales to enhance connection and trust?

* What role does the Law of Attraction play in shaping a successful sales mindset?

* How does the brain process and respond to symbolic preparation before sales interactions?

* What techniques can sales professionals use to align their mindset with their sales goals?

* How can salespeople leverage psychological insights to overcome fear and enhance performance?

With a background in psychological counseling and business development, Federico brings a profound understanding of how the mind works in sales situations. His experience in helping startups become unicorns and his role in global account management provide him with unique insights that can help sales professionals elevate their approach and achieve greater success.

Join us live for an enlightening discussion on the psychological strategies that can transform your sales approach.

This week's Guest was -

This week's Host was -

Transcript of Early Edition 2024-07-30

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:00:02]:

Hola, valuepreneurs and self shakers. This is your host, Helga Saraiva-Stewart, founder of LEAD Results. I'm so happy that you could join us again. It's so lovely to see you and to have your company. This is the place to meet the most wonderful, guests and speakers and connect with the most interesting expertise in my opinion, and today is no exception. We have got the wonderful Federico Heine. Federico, it's so welcome to have you here. Tell us a little bit about you, who you work for, and what do you do for your customers.

Federico Heine [00:00:42]:

Okay. Basically, I'm I study psychology. I'm a psychologist, but I always worked on on the corporate world work on sales. So, it's inevitable to mix both professions and and create this unique profile that is really useful for sales. Right?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:01:02]:

Absolutely. And tell us a little bit about who you work for because today's show is about the law of attraction. Right? Yeah. So tell us a little bit about that and how it works. In fact, tell us a little bit more about you. What do you do and who you work for, and what do you do?

Federico Heine [00:01:21]:

Okay. I I work on sales. I'm in charge of the European, region on a North American VPO, an outsourcing campaign. And, basically, what we do is we build teams, for specific departments. We we gather. We understand the tasks, and we replicate them on other countries to do them remotely and to be more efficient. And for the the the the boss is not taking care of certain departments that are not that centered on. They are not helping them to grow that that much.

Federico Heine [00:01:52]:

So we try to to to take care of these departments for them.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:01:57]:

I love it. I love it. It's great to know. Now I wanna know this is a $1,000,000 question, right, which is all about mindset. But you introduced me to this crazy word called logotherapy. What on earth is logo therapy?

Federico Heine [00:02:18]:

Yeah. Logo therapy is, it's, you have more than 210, psychological schools, different approaches. Logotherapy is one of them. And, basically, what it says, the logotherapy, is that, you understand your meaning. You understand your goal in life. So, basically, being happy and being satisfied with what you are and what you're doing is about knowing where you're going. So at this point, logotherapy is a therapy based on your meaning. Very simple.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:02:54]:

Wow. And and we're getting to I mean, we have to dive right into this law of attraction. I'm particularly, curious to to really understand it. I mean, speaking with you is delving into the the world of the brain, which I absolutely love. So help us understand about this law of attraction. What what is that on the power?

Federico Heine [00:03:21]:

You know that, there's a there's a lot of, exceptions and different points of view of what law of attraction is. And I always try to, be the more scientific I can when I try to define something. And when I go through the brain, you have a lot of studies and you have a lot of exams and and and reports that talks about how the brain behaves when you apply the law of attraction. You know? So, the law of attraction basically is trying to understand what you put in front of you as an objective and then how the brain behaves towards this.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:04:02]:

Okay. So, you know, so there's there's a there's a there's a lot here. I'm inviting, if you're if you're out there listening to, to help to challenge Federico here, on this psychological, you know, understanding in science. Is there an art and a science to this law of attraction and how the brain behaves, and this sense of purpose that we give it?

Federico Heine [00:04:31]:

Yeah. You know that it's it's kind of curious because when, when I say the brain behaves, we are treating the brain as a as a different as a different thing that is apart from us, that is separated from us. And we know and we try to understand how it works because we want the brain to work for us. Okay? So, basically, what we what what we understand is what we have to put around us, what are the inputs that I can stimulate to my brain to to use the law of attraction, to to our advantage. You know? So, basically, when when I when I when I'm talking about this, I say, okay. What do I need to see? What do I need to think? What do I need what do I need to say to myself? And what do I need to simulate to achieve this specific goal?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:05:23]:

And and how does this whole thing work? So how can we tell our brains to be successful in selling? How do we Good. Because, I mean, I think you're saying that our brain's a muscle. Right? I really do believe our brain is a muscle. And so how do we exercise it to achieve and optimize and tuning to this law of attraction? You know that,

Federico Heine [00:05:50]:

I I think when you when you are on a sales interview, when you are on a on a sales meeting, you have to raise there. So, basically, what I I think there there's a there's a part that you that you talk to your brain itself, and then you talk to the other person brain. And this is not something that is literal. But, basically, when you talk to your brain, you you try to to to become to be positive, to understand what you're doing there, and to be focused on what you're doing, not filling your head with a lot of different things and different problems. Everybody has problems, but here, what we're trying to to visit, the the the more the the cleaner we can at that moment to be the more the more aware, the more focus we can there. And then on on the other person brain, especially your your prospect or your possible clients, what we're trying to say to this brain is you can trust me. Okay? Basically, I understand your need. I understand your your profound need, the the different levels of your needs, and then I will satisfy them because my product can can satisfy that, and myself, as a consultant, can help you too.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:07:02]:

And so help us to understand. Can we see how this works? I mean, is that kind of like a game or a role play?

Federico Heine [00:07:11]:

Yeah. Yeah. I

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:07:12]:

know. We're putting you on the spot. I'm sorry, my friend. You know me. It's okay. It's okay. Can we see this working?

Federico Heine [00:07:21]:

You know that, I I think that we can we can do, like, sort of, a simulation, a situation that I could be the the the salesperson, and you could be my possible client. Okay. Maybe we can we can set up, like, a scenario where where I'm trying to maybe sell you sells you, sell you a a wellness program, maybe, for example.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:07:44]:

That sounds great. A wellness. You mean health health and wellness. Yes? I love that. Okay. I love health and wellness. Is it, oh, actually, I'm not gonna say it. I'm I was I was about to give you some context, and then I thought, no.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:08:00]:

No. I'm not gonna You

Federico Heine [00:08:01]:

can you can you can No. I'm not

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:08:02]:

gonna be there, guys. You don't know me. You don't know me. So, basically, you know so okay. So, you know, it's lovely to meet you, Federico. You know, it's it's lovely to to be connecting with you.

Federico Heine [00:08:17]:

Thank you, Helia. It's a pleasure to meet you too. Tell me something. Here here we are to talk about our our service, but firstly, I would like to know you a little better. Okay? So, besides that, I can tell you our features, our prices, or whatever you need to know. I want to know first why you would like to hire a service like this.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:08:37]:

Well, I'm concerned, for my health, obviously, but it's important for me to be a good role model to my son. My son loves sports, and I want it to remain that way. I wanted to see his parents lead a healthy lifestyle, but also kind of be that role model for him as he continues to grow and getting older and fight the video game force.

Federico Heine [00:09:09]:

That's good, Helica. That's good. You know that that I have kids too, and and and not only being a a role model. Maybe what I what I appreciate of being healthy is that I I can play with them. So I can interact with them on a on their own level. So, that really makes me happy. What do you think about this?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:09:30]:

Yeah. It's it's lovely. Yes. I mean, of course, we love to interact in all sorts of different ways. I mean, we love games as well. And I'm talk I'm not talking about video games, but board games because it gets us around the table. It gets us socializing with friends. It gets our friends, who are adults to socialize with the son and are socializing with their young children.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:09:53]:

So it's it's a real family occasion. So, sport is not necessarily what drives all of the interactions at home.

Federico Heine [00:10:02]:

That's good. You know that, our program is based on on on different online sessions that will help you to to be in shape, that will help you to eat better. And at that point, if you have any health need, we can provide it in less than 24 hours. But I think it's really important, this this matter of, being there for your kids and and feeling the best you can. So let me I I will send you our presentation, and then we can book a a second meeting to talk about, the features and the prices. What do you think about that? Sure.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:10:38]:

So just stepping out of the role play, I would like to point out how I like how you didn't, centered the conversation around your product or around your solution. And is this what you were meaning, when you're talking about the law of attraction and local therapy? Because if I it, you were talking about finding the purpose. And, you know, we're not talking about finding our purpose, but we're talking about finding the purpose of of our Yeah. Clients. Right? And so you were driving so it sounded like your questions were driving to really do this discovery about what are the issues or the results that are important to our customer. Right? Am I am I saying this is is this flow?

Federico Heine [00:11:31]:

Yeah. It's it's very it's very correct. What I want to add is that, I think that I I I don't want to say which are the people's purposes. Okay? But I think a good purpose is to help somebody and need to feel good about what you're doing, and you're providing you're giving value, and you feel good about it. So at that point, what we're trying to do here is try trying to have a meaningful conversation with somebody that you're giving a product that you trust, that you're confident that it's a good product, and you're confident that you're feeling a need, you're fulfilling a need that your client has. Yeah. So at that point, understanding the purpose is not going toward your interest, but your client's interest.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:12:17]:

Oh, I love that. And so so a cut a client making a purchase decision becomes connected and aligned to a deeper meaning and a deeper purpose for their customer. Exactly. Exactly. And and can we how how can we differentiate at that point? Because, you know, differentiation is something that's really important, you know, in in my sales brain. I'm always thinking, how can I be unique? How can I be different? Not necessarily sometimes how can I be better necessarily? Right? You wanna be the only at at helping your customer to achieve that purpose and that higher goal, in in what in what you're doing. Right? You want your option to be different to the others. And so does the law of attraction tap into that, into kind of, how can we differentiate ourselves once our client or prospect have shared with us that deeper meaning and that deeper purpose?

Federico Heine [00:13:30]:

Yeah. You know that the the law of attraction works in both ways. Either either us or either the clients. Because, basically, the law of attraction is like, trying to understand how we learn things. Basically, we learn things because they are around us. Okay? So, basically, when you're an adult, you can, put the things that you want in front of you, and you can repeat yourself the things that you want to stimulate them and to make them grow. And in the in the case of a client, you have, like, a mixture between your purpose that is an authentic and honest purpose and the purpose of the client for you to to to accomplish the mission of giving a good or doing something good for that person.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:14:22]:

Oh my gosh. I I love that. And, you know, I I I, you know, I I teach. Right? I I I Yeah. And a lot of the students that you know, I love Howard Wek's, you know, growth mindset. And I love when she talks about the not yet and rewarding, the not yet. You know, you're not there yet. And, what I find fascinating is you you typically, when you find people when you come across people with a fixed mindset, they would tell you that they have a really open mindset.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:15:06]:

Yeah. And so I you know, you talk about we can shape our thoughts. Right? Is that what you're

Federico Heine [00:15:16]:

talking about?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:15:16]:

You can shape our thoughts that we can use visual visualization to see things and invite things into our into the way we think so that that shapes our behavior, so that we invite, you know, a certain kind of reaction on the other side. But

Federico Heine [00:15:35]:

It works very it's it's very simple because it is not only the things that you repeat to yourself, but also where you put the attention. Because, basically, the attention can be something can cap your your attention, and maybe you don't choose where you put your attention your attention. But when you stimulate and you repeat yourself something, you're focusing you're you're you're creating an an atmosphere that the the attention is more directed. You know? There's a there's a neurological system called Sarah. Okay? It's a reticular system.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:16:12]:

How does it spell?

Federico Heine [00:16:14]:

Sara, s a r a.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:16:17]:

Oh, just Sara. Okay. Like the name. Okay.

Federico Heine [00:16:20]:

Sarah. Without the h, Sarah.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:16:22]:

Okay. It's like Your system.

Federico Heine [00:16:25]:

Neurologically speaking, it's brain cells die and are born all the time. Okay? So, basically and this path on this path of information, it's, it it's patronized when you when you see the things in in the same way all the time. So, basically, what you do when you repeat yourself something and when you try to focus on on one unique goal, all the things that are happening around you, will be related to this. Let's say, for example, involuntarily, you buy a car. And and and when you buy a car, you see you you buy a, I don't I don't wanna say brands better. You buy a a very expensive car, and you you are not aware.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:17:12]:

So an Aston Martin then.

Federico Heine [00:17:13]:

You you see the car all the time then. You're you're driving your car, and then you are aware that the car is around you all the time.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:17:21]:

Yes. So Like like pregnant women. Like, you think about you you you know, when I was pregnant, I never saw so many, and I've seen so many pregnant women around me. And I'm not talking about in the places that I went where we were supposed to be or be there because we were pregnant, but you just saw them everywhere. I never know where they

Federico Heine [00:17:39]:

That that's that's really interesting because what I'm trying to say here is that you don't choose exactly where you're putting your attention. You're experiencing something, and then your attention goes directly to that. So, basically, the word is a complex word. It's a complex place with a lot of information. And when when I say you put something in front of you, I'm saying, okay. If you put this in front of you, your at your involuntary attention will go to that direction. So you see a lot of babies, a lot of pregnant, women there out there because you were pregnant. Okay? But let's say that you propose to be pregnant in your thoughts.

Federico Heine [00:18:22]:

Understand? Wow. So that that's how it works.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:18:26]:

Wow. And so so back to selling, if if I want to if I'm if I manage to get a meeting with this, you know, high value prospect And they're the one I mean, if I close them, I will, you know, make a a big step towards meeting my quota, or my targets. You know, can I think myself successful with that prospect? Is that is that what is that in?

Federico Heine [00:18:58]:

No. That, thinking of being successful, it's like maybe it's like the ultimate consequence. You know? I think that maybe the something that you can bring to the table when you're on a meeting, it's like trying to dig a little deeper of of what that purchase means to that person. Mhmm. A little more profoundly, not a lot, because you're not on a on a psychological interview. You're just talking with somebody that want to do a purchase. But if you can know what is the meaning of the purchase to that person, This this person is not only buying a service or a product, but is buying from another person. So I think that's the interesting part.

Federico Heine [00:19:46]:

You're not only selling something. You're selling yourself.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:19:50]:

Mhmm. Mhmm.

Federico Heine [00:19:51]:

So at that point, if you can connect with that person, that person is going to trust you. And, eventually, their defenses are going to be lower, and they are going to be really more open to show what what they need and and and then you can offer what you got.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:20:07]:

Yeah. Do you know you're reminding me of, of this of this mantra, I suppose. I try I try to live by as much as possible. It's it's not easy, but it's, you you know, it's so everything can pretty much be commoditized nowadays as well as uncommoditized. And in in the in the in the in the minds of our customers, the way, that we nowadays, the world that we live in, what we can do to truly differentiate ourselves, I believe, is with, with the value, right, that we deliver in every interaction, understanding the value that we deliver and and and delivering that value in every interaction. Our mindset. Right? And this and and and and the story that we tell to communicate that value. And when you talk to me about the law of attraction, it seems to touch all 3, in a way that Of course.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:21:19]:

Right? Because the law of attraction starts with your mindset and how you visualize things and how you shape your reality, how you want it, and where you put, you know, where you invest, your thoughts and and your focus and your emotions. And then understanding the value that you deliver to your customer, but from the point of view of how they perceive it rather than how you perceive it. And then the story that you tell to communicate that value aligned with the purpose of your customer, that seems to just tie in the law of attraction with all 3.

Federico Heine [00:21:58]:

Yeah. You know that, what what is the law of attraction about? And I think it's it's one of it's one factor that I would add to our analysis that is honesty. You know? When you when you apply the law of attraction, you're being honest with yourself. You're not directing. You're not manipulating the situation to say, okay. I'm going to convince this guy to buy this thing that he doesn't really need. So, basically, if you do your sales job correctly, you are finding the right profile, and you're you're selling a proper solution for a proper need. So at that point, I think what what what is now happening on every human relation in sales world is that sales are are being more honest.

Federico Heine [00:22:50]:

So I think that what the clients are are looking for, honesty. If you can say, hey. I don't think this product is going to fit really well, but can we solve this part of your problem? So at that point, you're not saying it's wonderful, it's complete, but you can do this. Or if it's complete and it's wonderful, your client is going to feel it really good, really completely integrated. So it's not artificial. You know? Yeah. It's not. So I think that sales, it's about being honest.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:23:23]:

In in your experience, do you feel that, this approach and and this, way of doing sales sales is more embraced by sales professionals or by sales leaders. Do you find that sales leaders embrace that concept? In your experience, that is. I'm just because I know that you've, you know, you've got experience across different countries. Maybe elaborate a little bit more on the different countries that you've you've you've had experience in sales and in business development. But, you know, often, if you have pressure from the top to hit your targets no matter what and ethics is not discussed or even valued, then this concept and this approach is completely out the window. Right? And if leadership doesn't want it, leadership doesn't want it.

Federico Heine [00:24:21]:

If you target correctly, I think if you do a proper targeting on your strategy, there there there are always going to be people that need your solution. If you're pushing to sell your solution in the wrong audience, in in the wrong market, it's your mistake. So at that point, the pressure is valid because you're doing something wrong in your strategy. So I I I I I appreciate, I value, I I I care about my my sales goals. But at the same time, I understand that they should be organic, and they should be a con a proper consequence of my will than job. Understand?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:25:03]:

No. I love that. I mean, this is this is one of the reasons why I really I really like where you come from. Do you find in your experience that target, especially with the technology enabling us to do more spraying, machine gunning our clients rather than, you know, being more of a sniper, being more selective, being better at qualifying. Do do you find that technology is helping us to be more selective, or do you think that technology is actually enabling us to be more let me try and target everyone and see who actually, you know, hits the net?

Federico Heine [00:25:43]:

I think that it's both. I think that a a a a well spent budget on targeting is based on using different channels and study what is the behavior and not making assumptions. You know? Like, you you can you can be the sniper on certain channels and with a certain speech and a position, and then you can you can you can use a machine gun with a more, less subtle strategy. You know? And and according to the to the interactions and the data that you gather on both words, you can create a a well proper strategy. I think that all the strategies should be various. You know?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:26:26]:

Yeah. We value

Federico Heine [00:26:27]:

You know how much our, how how much information and and budget you how to put in each channel Mhmm. With frequency and in each quantity. You know?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:26:39]:

I love that. You do know that I could speak with you, like, the the whole day. Right? I can't I can't even believe 26 minutes have gone past, and I I've gotta say, so long. See you soon. And I know I'll be speaking with you soon. You have now moved to Portugal as well. Everybody out there, please connect with Federico. He's such a, a a a a valuable chest of, great ideas, especially if you love psychology, and mindset.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:27:12]:

This law of attraction Federico, you you make a lot of sense when you talk about it. I would invite everybody at home. They're listening wherever you may be. Join us again soon. The team is here for you at Sales TV. We love having you with us. Federico, come back. Alright? And join us again another time.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:27:31]:

I'm looking forward to speaking with you soon. To everybody there

Federico Heine [00:27:35]:

Thank you.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:27:35]:

Thank you, guys. See you soon. See you.

Federico Heine [00:27:37]:

Thank you. Bye bye. A pleasure. Bye bye.

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Our Sales Brain and the Other Side of the Law of Attraction

July 30, 202423 min read – Our Sales Brain and the Other Side of the Law of Attraction

In the next episode of, we’ll explore the power of psychological principles in sales with Federico Heine, Business Development Representative at Enshored. Federico combines his expertise in psychology and sales to offer a unique perspective on how to connect with clients on a deeper level and drive sales success.

In this episode, we'll ask:

* How can logotherapy be applied in sales to enhance connection and trust?

* What role does the Law of Attraction play in shaping a successful sales mindset?

* How does the brain process and respond to symbolic preparation before sales interactions?

* What techniques can sales professionals use to align their mindset with their sales goals?

* How can salespeople leverage psychological insights to overcome fear and enhance performance?

With a background in psychological counseling and business development, Federico brings a profound understanding of how the mind works in sales situations. His experience in helping startups become unicorns and his role in global account management provide him with unique insights that can help sales professionals elevate their approach and achieve greater success.

Join us live for an enlightening discussion on the psychological strategies that can transform your sales approach.

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Transcript of Early Edition 2024-07-30

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:00:02]:

Hola, valuepreneurs and self shakers. This is your host, Helga Saraiva-Stewart, founder of LEAD Results. I'm so happy that you could join us again. It's so lovely to see you and to have your company. This is the place to meet the most wonderful, guests and speakers and connect with the most interesting expertise in my opinion, and today is no exception. We have got the wonderful Federico Heine. Federico, it's so welcome to have you here. Tell us a little bit about you, who you work for, and what do you do for your customers.

Federico Heine [00:00:42]:

Okay. Basically, I'm I study psychology. I'm a psychologist, but I always worked on on the corporate world work on sales. So, it's inevitable to mix both professions and and create this unique profile that is really useful for sales. Right?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:01:02]:

Absolutely. And tell us a little bit about who you work for because today's show is about the law of attraction. Right? Yeah. So tell us a little bit about that and how it works. In fact, tell us a little bit more about you. What do you do and who you work for, and what do you do?

Federico Heine [00:01:21]:

Okay. I I work on sales. I'm in charge of the European, region on a North American VPO, an outsourcing campaign. And, basically, what we do is we build teams, for specific departments. We we gather. We understand the tasks, and we replicate them on other countries to do them remotely and to be more efficient. And for the the the the boss is not taking care of certain departments that are not that centered on. They are not helping them to grow that that much.

Federico Heine [00:01:52]:

So we try to to to take care of these departments for them.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:01:57]:

I love it. I love it. It's great to know. Now I wanna know this is a $1,000,000 question, right, which is all about mindset. But you introduced me to this crazy word called logotherapy. What on earth is logo therapy?

Federico Heine [00:02:18]:

Yeah. Logo therapy is, it's, you have more than 210, psychological schools, different approaches. Logotherapy is one of them. And, basically, what it says, the logotherapy, is that, you understand your meaning. You understand your goal in life. So, basically, being happy and being satisfied with what you are and what you're doing is about knowing where you're going. So at this point, logotherapy is a therapy based on your meaning. Very simple.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:02:54]:

Wow. And and we're getting to I mean, we have to dive right into this law of attraction. I'm particularly, curious to to really understand it. I mean, speaking with you is delving into the the world of the brain, which I absolutely love. So help us understand about this law of attraction. What what is that on the power?

Federico Heine [00:03:21]:

You know that, there's a there's a lot of, exceptions and different points of view of what law of attraction is. And I always try to, be the more scientific I can when I try to define something. And when I go through the brain, you have a lot of studies and you have a lot of exams and and and reports that talks about how the brain behaves when you apply the law of attraction. You know? So, the law of attraction basically is trying to understand what you put in front of you as an objective and then how the brain behaves towards this.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:04:02]:

Okay. So, you know, so there's there's a there's a there's a lot here. I'm inviting, if you're if you're out there listening to, to help to challenge Federico here, on this psychological, you know, understanding in science. Is there an art and a science to this law of attraction and how the brain behaves, and this sense of purpose that we give it?

Federico Heine [00:04:31]:

Yeah. You know that it's it's kind of curious because when, when I say the brain behaves, we are treating the brain as a as a different as a different thing that is apart from us, that is separated from us. And we know and we try to understand how it works because we want the brain to work for us. Okay? So, basically, what we what what we understand is what we have to put around us, what are the inputs that I can stimulate to my brain to to use the law of attraction, to to our advantage. You know? So, basically, when when I when I when I'm talking about this, I say, okay. What do I need to see? What do I need to think? What do I need what do I need to say to myself? And what do I need to simulate to achieve this specific goal?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:05:23]:

And and how does this whole thing work? So how can we tell our brains to be successful in selling? How do we Good. Because, I mean, I think you're saying that our brain's a muscle. Right? I really do believe our brain is a muscle. And so how do we exercise it to achieve and optimize and tuning to this law of attraction? You know that,

Federico Heine [00:05:50]:

I I think when you when you are on a sales interview, when you are on a on a sales meeting, you have to raise there. So, basically, what I I think there there's a there's a part that you that you talk to your brain itself, and then you talk to the other person brain. And this is not something that is literal. But, basically, when you talk to your brain, you you try to to to become to be positive, to understand what you're doing there, and to be focused on what you're doing, not filling your head with a lot of different things and different problems. Everybody has problems, but here, what we're trying to to visit, the the the more the the cleaner we can at that moment to be the more the more aware, the more focus we can there. And then on on the other person brain, especially your your prospect or your possible clients, what we're trying to say to this brain is you can trust me. Okay? Basically, I understand your need. I understand your your profound need, the the different levels of your needs, and then I will satisfy them because my product can can satisfy that, and myself, as a consultant, can help you too.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:07:02]:

And so help us to understand. Can we see how this works? I mean, is that kind of like a game or a role play?

Federico Heine [00:07:11]:

Yeah. Yeah. I

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:07:12]:

know. We're putting you on the spot. I'm sorry, my friend. You know me. It's okay. It's okay. Can we see this working?

Federico Heine [00:07:21]:

You know that, I I think that we can we can do, like, sort of, a simulation, a situation that I could be the the the salesperson, and you could be my possible client. Okay. Maybe we can we can set up, like, a scenario where where I'm trying to maybe sell you sells you, sell you a a wellness program, maybe, for example.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:07:44]:

That sounds great. A wellness. You mean health health and wellness. Yes? I love that. Okay. I love health and wellness. Is it, oh, actually, I'm not gonna say it. I'm I was I was about to give you some context, and then I thought, no.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:08:00]:

No. I'm not gonna You

Federico Heine [00:08:01]:

can you can you can No. I'm not

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:08:02]:

gonna be there, guys. You don't know me. You don't know me. So, basically, you know so okay. So, you know, it's lovely to meet you, Federico. You know, it's it's lovely to to be connecting with you.

Federico Heine [00:08:17]:

Thank you, Helia. It's a pleasure to meet you too. Tell me something. Here here we are to talk about our our service, but firstly, I would like to know you a little better. Okay? So, besides that, I can tell you our features, our prices, or whatever you need to know. I want to know first why you would like to hire a service like this.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:08:37]:

Well, I'm concerned, for my health, obviously, but it's important for me to be a good role model to my son. My son loves sports, and I want it to remain that way. I wanted to see his parents lead a healthy lifestyle, but also kind of be that role model for him as he continues to grow and getting older and fight the video game force.

Federico Heine [00:09:09]:

That's good, Helica. That's good. You know that that I have kids too, and and and not only being a a role model. Maybe what I what I appreciate of being healthy is that I I can play with them. So I can interact with them on a on their own level. So, that really makes me happy. What do you think about this?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:09:30]:

Yeah. It's it's lovely. Yes. I mean, of course, we love to interact in all sorts of different ways. I mean, we love games as well. And I'm talk I'm not talking about video games, but board games because it gets us around the table. It gets us socializing with friends. It gets our friends, who are adults to socialize with the son and are socializing with their young children.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:09:53]:

So it's it's a real family occasion. So, sport is not necessarily what drives all of the interactions at home.

Federico Heine [00:10:02]:

That's good. You know that, our program is based on on on different online sessions that will help you to to be in shape, that will help you to eat better. And at that point, if you have any health need, we can provide it in less than 24 hours. But I think it's really important, this this matter of, being there for your kids and and feeling the best you can. So let me I I will send you our presentation, and then we can book a a second meeting to talk about, the features and the prices. What do you think about that? Sure.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:10:38]:

So just stepping out of the role play, I would like to point out how I like how you didn't, centered the conversation around your product or around your solution. And is this what you were meaning, when you're talking about the law of attraction and local therapy? Because if I it, you were talking about finding the purpose. And, you know, we're not talking about finding our purpose, but we're talking about finding the purpose of of our Yeah. Clients. Right? And so you were driving so it sounded like your questions were driving to really do this discovery about what are the issues or the results that are important to our customer. Right? Am I am I saying this is is this flow?

Federico Heine [00:11:31]:

Yeah. It's it's very it's very correct. What I want to add is that, I think that I I I don't want to say which are the people's purposes. Okay? But I think a good purpose is to help somebody and need to feel good about what you're doing, and you're providing you're giving value, and you feel good about it. So at that point, what we're trying to do here is try trying to have a meaningful conversation with somebody that you're giving a product that you trust, that you're confident that it's a good product, and you're confident that you're feeling a need, you're fulfilling a need that your client has. Yeah. So at that point, understanding the purpose is not going toward your interest, but your client's interest.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:12:17]:

Oh, I love that. And so so a cut a client making a purchase decision becomes connected and aligned to a deeper meaning and a deeper purpose for their customer. Exactly. Exactly. And and can we how how can we differentiate at that point? Because, you know, differentiation is something that's really important, you know, in in my sales brain. I'm always thinking, how can I be unique? How can I be different? Not necessarily sometimes how can I be better necessarily? Right? You wanna be the only at at helping your customer to achieve that purpose and that higher goal, in in what in what you're doing. Right? You want your option to be different to the others. And so does the law of attraction tap into that, into kind of, how can we differentiate ourselves once our client or prospect have shared with us that deeper meaning and that deeper purpose?

Federico Heine [00:13:30]:

Yeah. You know that the the law of attraction works in both ways. Either either us or either the clients. Because, basically, the law of attraction is like, trying to understand how we learn things. Basically, we learn things because they are around us. Okay? So, basically, when you're an adult, you can, put the things that you want in front of you, and you can repeat yourself the things that you want to stimulate them and to make them grow. And in the in the case of a client, you have, like, a mixture between your purpose that is an authentic and honest purpose and the purpose of the client for you to to to accomplish the mission of giving a good or doing something good for that person.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:14:22]:

Oh my gosh. I I love that. And, you know, I I I, you know, I I teach. Right? I I I Yeah. And a lot of the students that you know, I love Howard Wek's, you know, growth mindset. And I love when she talks about the not yet and rewarding, the not yet. You know, you're not there yet. And, what I find fascinating is you you typically, when you find people when you come across people with a fixed mindset, they would tell you that they have a really open mindset.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:15:06]:

Yeah. And so I you know, you talk about we can shape our thoughts. Right? Is that what you're

Federico Heine [00:15:16]:

talking about?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:15:16]:

You can shape our thoughts that we can use visual visualization to see things and invite things into our into the way we think so that that shapes our behavior, so that we invite, you know, a certain kind of reaction on the other side. But

Federico Heine [00:15:35]:

It works very it's it's very simple because it is not only the things that you repeat to yourself, but also where you put the attention. Because, basically, the attention can be something can cap your your attention, and maybe you don't choose where you put your attention your attention. But when you stimulate and you repeat yourself something, you're focusing you're you're you're creating an an atmosphere that the the attention is more directed. You know? There's a there's a neurological system called Sarah. Okay? It's a reticular system.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:16:12]:

How does it spell?

Federico Heine [00:16:14]:

Sara, s a r a.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:16:17]:

Oh, just Sara. Okay. Like the name. Okay.

Federico Heine [00:16:20]:

Sarah. Without the h, Sarah.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:16:22]:

Okay. It's like Your system.

Federico Heine [00:16:25]:

Neurologically speaking, it's brain cells die and are born all the time. Okay? So, basically and this path on this path of information, it's, it it's patronized when you when you see the things in in the same way all the time. So, basically, what you do when you repeat yourself something and when you try to focus on on one unique goal, all the things that are happening around you, will be related to this. Let's say, for example, involuntarily, you buy a car. And and and when you buy a car, you see you you buy a, I don't I don't wanna say brands better. You buy a a very expensive car, and you you are not aware.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:17:12]:

So an Aston Martin then.

Federico Heine [00:17:13]:

You you see the car all the time then. You're you're driving your car, and then you are aware that the car is around you all the time.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:17:21]:

Yes. So Like like pregnant women. Like, you think about you you you know, when I was pregnant, I never saw so many, and I've seen so many pregnant women around me. And I'm not talking about in the places that I went where we were supposed to be or be there because we were pregnant, but you just saw them everywhere. I never know where they

Federico Heine [00:17:39]:

That that's that's really interesting because what I'm trying to say here is that you don't choose exactly where you're putting your attention. You're experiencing something, and then your attention goes directly to that. So, basically, the word is a complex word. It's a complex place with a lot of information. And when when I say you put something in front of you, I'm saying, okay. If you put this in front of you, your at your involuntary attention will go to that direction. So you see a lot of babies, a lot of pregnant, women there out there because you were pregnant. Okay? But let's say that you propose to be pregnant in your thoughts.

Federico Heine [00:18:22]:

Understand? Wow. So that that's how it works.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:18:26]:

Wow. And so so back to selling, if if I want to if I'm if I manage to get a meeting with this, you know, high value prospect And they're the one I mean, if I close them, I will, you know, make a a big step towards meeting my quota, or my targets. You know, can I think myself successful with that prospect? Is that is that what is that in?

Federico Heine [00:18:58]:

No. That, thinking of being successful, it's like maybe it's like the ultimate consequence. You know? I think that maybe the something that you can bring to the table when you're on a meeting, it's like trying to dig a little deeper of of what that purchase means to that person. Mhmm. A little more profoundly, not a lot, because you're not on a on a psychological interview. You're just talking with somebody that want to do a purchase. But if you can know what is the meaning of the purchase to that person, This this person is not only buying a service or a product, but is buying from another person. So I think that's the interesting part.

Federico Heine [00:19:46]:

You're not only selling something. You're selling yourself.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:19:50]:

Mhmm. Mhmm.

Federico Heine [00:19:51]:

So at that point, if you can connect with that person, that person is going to trust you. And, eventually, their defenses are going to be lower, and they are going to be really more open to show what what they need and and and then you can offer what you got.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:20:07]:

Yeah. Do you know you're reminding me of, of this of this mantra, I suppose. I try I try to live by as much as possible. It's it's not easy, but it's, you you know, it's so everything can pretty much be commoditized nowadays as well as uncommoditized. And in in the in the in the in the minds of our customers, the way, that we nowadays, the world that we live in, what we can do to truly differentiate ourselves, I believe, is with, with the value, right, that we deliver in every interaction, understanding the value that we deliver and and and delivering that value in every interaction. Our mindset. Right? And this and and and and the story that we tell to communicate that value. And when you talk to me about the law of attraction, it seems to touch all 3, in a way that Of course.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:21:19]:

Right? Because the law of attraction starts with your mindset and how you visualize things and how you shape your reality, how you want it, and where you put, you know, where you invest, your thoughts and and your focus and your emotions. And then understanding the value that you deliver to your customer, but from the point of view of how they perceive it rather than how you perceive it. And then the story that you tell to communicate that value aligned with the purpose of your customer, that seems to just tie in the law of attraction with all 3.

Federico Heine [00:21:58]:

Yeah. You know that, what what is the law of attraction about? And I think it's it's one of it's one factor that I would add to our analysis that is honesty. You know? When you when you apply the law of attraction, you're being honest with yourself. You're not directing. You're not manipulating the situation to say, okay. I'm going to convince this guy to buy this thing that he doesn't really need. So, basically, if you do your sales job correctly, you are finding the right profile, and you're you're selling a proper solution for a proper need. So at that point, I think what what what is now happening on every human relation in sales world is that sales are are being more honest.

Federico Heine [00:22:50]:

So I think that what the clients are are looking for, honesty. If you can say, hey. I don't think this product is going to fit really well, but can we solve this part of your problem? So at that point, you're not saying it's wonderful, it's complete, but you can do this. Or if it's complete and it's wonderful, your client is going to feel it really good, really completely integrated. So it's not artificial. You know? Yeah. It's not. So I think that sales, it's about being honest.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:23:23]:

In in your experience, do you feel that, this approach and and this, way of doing sales sales is more embraced by sales professionals or by sales leaders. Do you find that sales leaders embrace that concept? In your experience, that is. I'm just because I know that you've, you know, you've got experience across different countries. Maybe elaborate a little bit more on the different countries that you've you've you've had experience in sales and in business development. But, you know, often, if you have pressure from the top to hit your targets no matter what and ethics is not discussed or even valued, then this concept and this approach is completely out the window. Right? And if leadership doesn't want it, leadership doesn't want it.

Federico Heine [00:24:21]:

If you target correctly, I think if you do a proper targeting on your strategy, there there there are always going to be people that need your solution. If you're pushing to sell your solution in the wrong audience, in in the wrong market, it's your mistake. So at that point, the pressure is valid because you're doing something wrong in your strategy. So I I I I I appreciate, I value, I I I care about my my sales goals. But at the same time, I understand that they should be organic, and they should be a con a proper consequence of my will than job. Understand?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:25:03]:

No. I love that. I mean, this is this is one of the reasons why I really I really like where you come from. Do you find in your experience that target, especially with the technology enabling us to do more spraying, machine gunning our clients rather than, you know, being more of a sniper, being more selective, being better at qualifying. Do do you find that technology is helping us to be more selective, or do you think that technology is actually enabling us to be more let me try and target everyone and see who actually, you know, hits the net?

Federico Heine [00:25:43]:

I think that it's both. I think that a a a a well spent budget on targeting is based on using different channels and study what is the behavior and not making assumptions. You know? Like, you you can you can be the sniper on certain channels and with a certain speech and a position, and then you can you can you can use a machine gun with a more, less subtle strategy. You know? And and according to the to the interactions and the data that you gather on both words, you can create a a well proper strategy. I think that all the strategies should be various. You know?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:26:26]:

Yeah. We value

Federico Heine [00:26:27]:

You know how much our, how how much information and and budget you how to put in each channel Mhmm. With frequency and in each quantity. You know?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:26:39]:

I love that. You do know that I could speak with you, like, the the whole day. Right? I can't I can't even believe 26 minutes have gone past, and I I've gotta say, so long. See you soon. And I know I'll be speaking with you soon. You have now moved to Portugal as well. Everybody out there, please connect with Federico. He's such a, a a a a valuable chest of, great ideas, especially if you love psychology, and mindset.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:27:12]:

This law of attraction Federico, you you make a lot of sense when you talk about it. I would invite everybody at home. They're listening wherever you may be. Join us again soon. The team is here for you at Sales TV. We love having you with us. Federico, come back. Alright? And join us again another time.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:27:31]:

I'm looking forward to speaking with you soon. To everybody there

Federico Heine [00:27:35]:

Thank you.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:27:35]:

Thank you, guys. See you soon. See you.

Federico Heine [00:27:37]:

Thank you. Bye bye. A pleasure. Bye bye.

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Our Sales Brain and the Other Side of the Law of Attraction

July 30, 202423 min read – Our Sales Brain and the Other Side of the Law of Attraction

In the next episode of, we’ll explore the power of psychological principles in sales with Federico Heine, Business Development Representative at Enshored. Federico combines his expertise in psychology and sales to offer a unique perspective on how to connect with clients on a deeper level and drive sales success.

In this episode, we'll ask:

* How can logotherapy be applied in sales to enhance connection and trust?

* What role does the Law of Attraction play in shaping a successful sales mindset?

* How does the brain process and respond to symbolic preparation before sales interactions?

* What techniques can sales professionals use to align their mindset with their sales goals?

* How can salespeople leverage psychological insights to overcome fear and enhance performance?

With a background in psychological counseling and business development, Federico brings a profound understanding of how the mind works in sales situations. His experience in helping startups become unicorns and his role in global account management provide him with unique insights that can help sales professionals elevate their approach and achieve greater success.

Join us live for an enlightening discussion on the psychological strategies that can transform your sales approach.

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Transcript of Early Edition 2024-07-30

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:00:02]:

Hola, valuepreneurs and self shakers. This is your host, Helga Saraiva-Stewart, founder of LEAD Results. I'm so happy that you could join us again. It's so lovely to see you and to have your company. This is the place to meet the most wonderful, guests and speakers and connect with the most interesting expertise in my opinion, and today is no exception. We have got the wonderful Federico Heine. Federico, it's so welcome to have you here. Tell us a little bit about you, who you work for, and what do you do for your customers.

Federico Heine [00:00:42]:

Okay. Basically, I'm I study psychology. I'm a psychologist, but I always worked on on the corporate world work on sales. So, it's inevitable to mix both professions and and create this unique profile that is really useful for sales. Right?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:01:02]:

Absolutely. And tell us a little bit about who you work for because today's show is about the law of attraction. Right? Yeah. So tell us a little bit about that and how it works. In fact, tell us a little bit more about you. What do you do and who you work for, and what do you do?

Federico Heine [00:01:21]:

Okay. I I work on sales. I'm in charge of the European, region on a North American VPO, an outsourcing campaign. And, basically, what we do is we build teams, for specific departments. We we gather. We understand the tasks, and we replicate them on other countries to do them remotely and to be more efficient. And for the the the the boss is not taking care of certain departments that are not that centered on. They are not helping them to grow that that much.

Federico Heine [00:01:52]:

So we try to to to take care of these departments for them.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:01:57]:

I love it. I love it. It's great to know. Now I wanna know this is a $1,000,000 question, right, which is all about mindset. But you introduced me to this crazy word called logotherapy. What on earth is logo therapy?

Federico Heine [00:02:18]:

Yeah. Logo therapy is, it's, you have more than 210, psychological schools, different approaches. Logotherapy is one of them. And, basically, what it says, the logotherapy, is that, you understand your meaning. You understand your goal in life. So, basically, being happy and being satisfied with what you are and what you're doing is about knowing where you're going. So at this point, logotherapy is a therapy based on your meaning. Very simple.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:02:54]:

Wow. And and we're getting to I mean, we have to dive right into this law of attraction. I'm particularly, curious to to really understand it. I mean, speaking with you is delving into the the world of the brain, which I absolutely love. So help us understand about this law of attraction. What what is that on the power?

Federico Heine [00:03:21]:

You know that, there's a there's a lot of, exceptions and different points of view of what law of attraction is. And I always try to, be the more scientific I can when I try to define something. And when I go through the brain, you have a lot of studies and you have a lot of exams and and and reports that talks about how the brain behaves when you apply the law of attraction. You know? So, the law of attraction basically is trying to understand what you put in front of you as an objective and then how the brain behaves towards this.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:04:02]:

Okay. So, you know, so there's there's a there's a there's a lot here. I'm inviting, if you're if you're out there listening to, to help to challenge Federico here, on this psychological, you know, understanding in science. Is there an art and a science to this law of attraction and how the brain behaves, and this sense of purpose that we give it?

Federico Heine [00:04:31]:

Yeah. You know that it's it's kind of curious because when, when I say the brain behaves, we are treating the brain as a as a different as a different thing that is apart from us, that is separated from us. And we know and we try to understand how it works because we want the brain to work for us. Okay? So, basically, what we what what we understand is what we have to put around us, what are the inputs that I can stimulate to my brain to to use the law of attraction, to to our advantage. You know? So, basically, when when I when I when I'm talking about this, I say, okay. What do I need to see? What do I need to think? What do I need what do I need to say to myself? And what do I need to simulate to achieve this specific goal?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:05:23]:

And and how does this whole thing work? So how can we tell our brains to be successful in selling? How do we Good. Because, I mean, I think you're saying that our brain's a muscle. Right? I really do believe our brain is a muscle. And so how do we exercise it to achieve and optimize and tuning to this law of attraction? You know that,

Federico Heine [00:05:50]:

I I think when you when you are on a sales interview, when you are on a on a sales meeting, you have to raise there. So, basically, what I I think there there's a there's a part that you that you talk to your brain itself, and then you talk to the other person brain. And this is not something that is literal. But, basically, when you talk to your brain, you you try to to to become to be positive, to understand what you're doing there, and to be focused on what you're doing, not filling your head with a lot of different things and different problems. Everybody has problems, but here, what we're trying to to visit, the the the more the the cleaner we can at that moment to be the more the more aware, the more focus we can there. And then on on the other person brain, especially your your prospect or your possible clients, what we're trying to say to this brain is you can trust me. Okay? Basically, I understand your need. I understand your your profound need, the the different levels of your needs, and then I will satisfy them because my product can can satisfy that, and myself, as a consultant, can help you too.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:07:02]:

And so help us to understand. Can we see how this works? I mean, is that kind of like a game or a role play?

Federico Heine [00:07:11]:

Yeah. Yeah. I

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:07:12]:

know. We're putting you on the spot. I'm sorry, my friend. You know me. It's okay. It's okay. Can we see this working?

Federico Heine [00:07:21]:

You know that, I I think that we can we can do, like, sort of, a simulation, a situation that I could be the the the salesperson, and you could be my possible client. Okay. Maybe we can we can set up, like, a scenario where where I'm trying to maybe sell you sells you, sell you a a wellness program, maybe, for example.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:07:44]:

That sounds great. A wellness. You mean health health and wellness. Yes? I love that. Okay. I love health and wellness. Is it, oh, actually, I'm not gonna say it. I'm I was I was about to give you some context, and then I thought, no.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:08:00]:

No. I'm not gonna You

Federico Heine [00:08:01]:

can you can you can No. I'm not

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:08:02]:

gonna be there, guys. You don't know me. You don't know me. So, basically, you know so okay. So, you know, it's lovely to meet you, Federico. You know, it's it's lovely to to be connecting with you.

Federico Heine [00:08:17]:

Thank you, Helia. It's a pleasure to meet you too. Tell me something. Here here we are to talk about our our service, but firstly, I would like to know you a little better. Okay? So, besides that, I can tell you our features, our prices, or whatever you need to know. I want to know first why you would like to hire a service like this.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:08:37]:

Well, I'm concerned, for my health, obviously, but it's important for me to be a good role model to my son. My son loves sports, and I want it to remain that way. I wanted to see his parents lead a healthy lifestyle, but also kind of be that role model for him as he continues to grow and getting older and fight the video game force.

Federico Heine [00:09:09]:

That's good, Helica. That's good. You know that that I have kids too, and and and not only being a a role model. Maybe what I what I appreciate of being healthy is that I I can play with them. So I can interact with them on a on their own level. So, that really makes me happy. What do you think about this?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:09:30]:

Yeah. It's it's lovely. Yes. I mean, of course, we love to interact in all sorts of different ways. I mean, we love games as well. And I'm talk I'm not talking about video games, but board games because it gets us around the table. It gets us socializing with friends. It gets our friends, who are adults to socialize with the son and are socializing with their young children.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:09:53]:

So it's it's a real family occasion. So, sport is not necessarily what drives all of the interactions at home.

Federico Heine [00:10:02]:

That's good. You know that, our program is based on on on different online sessions that will help you to to be in shape, that will help you to eat better. And at that point, if you have any health need, we can provide it in less than 24 hours. But I think it's really important, this this matter of, being there for your kids and and feeling the best you can. So let me I I will send you our presentation, and then we can book a a second meeting to talk about, the features and the prices. What do you think about that? Sure.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:10:38]:

So just stepping out of the role play, I would like to point out how I like how you didn't, centered the conversation around your product or around your solution. And is this what you were meaning, when you're talking about the law of attraction and local therapy? Because if I it, you were talking about finding the purpose. And, you know, we're not talking about finding our purpose, but we're talking about finding the purpose of of our Yeah. Clients. Right? And so you were driving so it sounded like your questions were driving to really do this discovery about what are the issues or the results that are important to our customer. Right? Am I am I saying this is is this flow?

Federico Heine [00:11:31]:

Yeah. It's it's very it's very correct. What I want to add is that, I think that I I I don't want to say which are the people's purposes. Okay? But I think a good purpose is to help somebody and need to feel good about what you're doing, and you're providing you're giving value, and you feel good about it. So at that point, what we're trying to do here is try trying to have a meaningful conversation with somebody that you're giving a product that you trust, that you're confident that it's a good product, and you're confident that you're feeling a need, you're fulfilling a need that your client has. Yeah. So at that point, understanding the purpose is not going toward your interest, but your client's interest.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:12:17]:

Oh, I love that. And so so a cut a client making a purchase decision becomes connected and aligned to a deeper meaning and a deeper purpose for their customer. Exactly. Exactly. And and can we how how can we differentiate at that point? Because, you know, differentiation is something that's really important, you know, in in my sales brain. I'm always thinking, how can I be unique? How can I be different? Not necessarily sometimes how can I be better necessarily? Right? You wanna be the only at at helping your customer to achieve that purpose and that higher goal, in in what in what you're doing. Right? You want your option to be different to the others. And so does the law of attraction tap into that, into kind of, how can we differentiate ourselves once our client or prospect have shared with us that deeper meaning and that deeper purpose?

Federico Heine [00:13:30]:

Yeah. You know that the the law of attraction works in both ways. Either either us or either the clients. Because, basically, the law of attraction is like, trying to understand how we learn things. Basically, we learn things because they are around us. Okay? So, basically, when you're an adult, you can, put the things that you want in front of you, and you can repeat yourself the things that you want to stimulate them and to make them grow. And in the in the case of a client, you have, like, a mixture between your purpose that is an authentic and honest purpose and the purpose of the client for you to to to accomplish the mission of giving a good or doing something good for that person.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:14:22]:

Oh my gosh. I I love that. And, you know, I I I, you know, I I teach. Right? I I I Yeah. And a lot of the students that you know, I love Howard Wek's, you know, growth mindset. And I love when she talks about the not yet and rewarding, the not yet. You know, you're not there yet. And, what I find fascinating is you you typically, when you find people when you come across people with a fixed mindset, they would tell you that they have a really open mindset.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:15:06]:

Yeah. And so I you know, you talk about we can shape our thoughts. Right? Is that what you're

Federico Heine [00:15:16]:

talking about?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:15:16]:

You can shape our thoughts that we can use visual visualization to see things and invite things into our into the way we think so that that shapes our behavior, so that we invite, you know, a certain kind of reaction on the other side. But

Federico Heine [00:15:35]:

It works very it's it's very simple because it is not only the things that you repeat to yourself, but also where you put the attention. Because, basically, the attention can be something can cap your your attention, and maybe you don't choose where you put your attention your attention. But when you stimulate and you repeat yourself something, you're focusing you're you're you're creating an an atmosphere that the the attention is more directed. You know? There's a there's a neurological system called Sarah. Okay? It's a reticular system.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:16:12]:

How does it spell?

Federico Heine [00:16:14]:

Sara, s a r a.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:16:17]:

Oh, just Sara. Okay. Like the name. Okay.

Federico Heine [00:16:20]:

Sarah. Without the h, Sarah.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:16:22]:

Okay. It's like Your system.

Federico Heine [00:16:25]:

Neurologically speaking, it's brain cells die and are born all the time. Okay? So, basically and this path on this path of information, it's, it it's patronized when you when you see the things in in the same way all the time. So, basically, what you do when you repeat yourself something and when you try to focus on on one unique goal, all the things that are happening around you, will be related to this. Let's say, for example, involuntarily, you buy a car. And and and when you buy a car, you see you you buy a, I don't I don't wanna say brands better. You buy a a very expensive car, and you you are not aware.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:17:12]:

So an Aston Martin then.

Federico Heine [00:17:13]:

You you see the car all the time then. You're you're driving your car, and then you are aware that the car is around you all the time.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:17:21]:

Yes. So Like like pregnant women. Like, you think about you you you know, when I was pregnant, I never saw so many, and I've seen so many pregnant women around me. And I'm not talking about in the places that I went where we were supposed to be or be there because we were pregnant, but you just saw them everywhere. I never know where they

Federico Heine [00:17:39]:

That that's that's really interesting because what I'm trying to say here is that you don't choose exactly where you're putting your attention. You're experiencing something, and then your attention goes directly to that. So, basically, the word is a complex word. It's a complex place with a lot of information. And when when I say you put something in front of you, I'm saying, okay. If you put this in front of you, your at your involuntary attention will go to that direction. So you see a lot of babies, a lot of pregnant, women there out there because you were pregnant. Okay? But let's say that you propose to be pregnant in your thoughts.

Federico Heine [00:18:22]:

Understand? Wow. So that that's how it works.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:18:26]:

Wow. And so so back to selling, if if I want to if I'm if I manage to get a meeting with this, you know, high value prospect And they're the one I mean, if I close them, I will, you know, make a a big step towards meeting my quota, or my targets. You know, can I think myself successful with that prospect? Is that is that what is that in?

Federico Heine [00:18:58]:

No. That, thinking of being successful, it's like maybe it's like the ultimate consequence. You know? I think that maybe the something that you can bring to the table when you're on a meeting, it's like trying to dig a little deeper of of what that purchase means to that person. Mhmm. A little more profoundly, not a lot, because you're not on a on a psychological interview. You're just talking with somebody that want to do a purchase. But if you can know what is the meaning of the purchase to that person, This this person is not only buying a service or a product, but is buying from another person. So I think that's the interesting part.

Federico Heine [00:19:46]:

You're not only selling something. You're selling yourself.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:19:50]:

Mhmm. Mhmm.

Federico Heine [00:19:51]:

So at that point, if you can connect with that person, that person is going to trust you. And, eventually, their defenses are going to be lower, and they are going to be really more open to show what what they need and and and then you can offer what you got.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:20:07]:

Yeah. Do you know you're reminding me of, of this of this mantra, I suppose. I try I try to live by as much as possible. It's it's not easy, but it's, you you know, it's so everything can pretty much be commoditized nowadays as well as uncommoditized. And in in the in the in the in the minds of our customers, the way, that we nowadays, the world that we live in, what we can do to truly differentiate ourselves, I believe, is with, with the value, right, that we deliver in every interaction, understanding the value that we deliver and and and delivering that value in every interaction. Our mindset. Right? And this and and and and the story that we tell to communicate that value. And when you talk to me about the law of attraction, it seems to touch all 3, in a way that Of course.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:21:19]:

Right? Because the law of attraction starts with your mindset and how you visualize things and how you shape your reality, how you want it, and where you put, you know, where you invest, your thoughts and and your focus and your emotions. And then understanding the value that you deliver to your customer, but from the point of view of how they perceive it rather than how you perceive it. And then the story that you tell to communicate that value aligned with the purpose of your customer, that seems to just tie in the law of attraction with all 3.

Federico Heine [00:21:58]:

Yeah. You know that, what what is the law of attraction about? And I think it's it's one of it's one factor that I would add to our analysis that is honesty. You know? When you when you apply the law of attraction, you're being honest with yourself. You're not directing. You're not manipulating the situation to say, okay. I'm going to convince this guy to buy this thing that he doesn't really need. So, basically, if you do your sales job correctly, you are finding the right profile, and you're you're selling a proper solution for a proper need. So at that point, I think what what what is now happening on every human relation in sales world is that sales are are being more honest.

Federico Heine [00:22:50]:

So I think that what the clients are are looking for, honesty. If you can say, hey. I don't think this product is going to fit really well, but can we solve this part of your problem? So at that point, you're not saying it's wonderful, it's complete, but you can do this. Or if it's complete and it's wonderful, your client is going to feel it really good, really completely integrated. So it's not artificial. You know? Yeah. It's not. So I think that sales, it's about being honest.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:23:23]:

In in your experience, do you feel that, this approach and and this, way of doing sales sales is more embraced by sales professionals or by sales leaders. Do you find that sales leaders embrace that concept? In your experience, that is. I'm just because I know that you've, you know, you've got experience across different countries. Maybe elaborate a little bit more on the different countries that you've you've you've had experience in sales and in business development. But, you know, often, if you have pressure from the top to hit your targets no matter what and ethics is not discussed or even valued, then this concept and this approach is completely out the window. Right? And if leadership doesn't want it, leadership doesn't want it.

Federico Heine [00:24:21]:

If you target correctly, I think if you do a proper targeting on your strategy, there there there are always going to be people that need your solution. If you're pushing to sell your solution in the wrong audience, in in the wrong market, it's your mistake. So at that point, the pressure is valid because you're doing something wrong in your strategy. So I I I I I appreciate, I value, I I I care about my my sales goals. But at the same time, I understand that they should be organic, and they should be a con a proper consequence of my will than job. Understand?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:25:03]:

No. I love that. I mean, this is this is one of the reasons why I really I really like where you come from. Do you find in your experience that target, especially with the technology enabling us to do more spraying, machine gunning our clients rather than, you know, being more of a sniper, being more selective, being better at qualifying. Do do you find that technology is helping us to be more selective, or do you think that technology is actually enabling us to be more let me try and target everyone and see who actually, you know, hits the net?

Federico Heine [00:25:43]:

I think that it's both. I think that a a a a well spent budget on targeting is based on using different channels and study what is the behavior and not making assumptions. You know? Like, you you can you can be the sniper on certain channels and with a certain speech and a position, and then you can you can you can use a machine gun with a more, less subtle strategy. You know? And and according to the to the interactions and the data that you gather on both words, you can create a a well proper strategy. I think that all the strategies should be various. You know?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:26:26]:

Yeah. We value

Federico Heine [00:26:27]:

You know how much our, how how much information and and budget you how to put in each channel Mhmm. With frequency and in each quantity. You know?

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:26:39]:

I love that. You do know that I could speak with you, like, the the whole day. Right? I can't I can't even believe 26 minutes have gone past, and I I've gotta say, so long. See you soon. And I know I'll be speaking with you soon. You have now moved to Portugal as well. Everybody out there, please connect with Federico. He's such a, a a a a valuable chest of, great ideas, especially if you love psychology, and mindset.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:27:12]:

This law of attraction Federico, you you make a lot of sense when you talk about it. I would invite everybody at home. They're listening wherever you may be. Join us again soon. The team is here for you at Sales TV. We love having you with us. Federico, come back. Alright? And join us again another time.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:27:31]:

I'm looking forward to speaking with you soon. To everybody there

Federico Heine [00:27:35]:

Thank you.

Helga Saraiva-Stewart [00:27:35]:

Thank you, guys. See you soon. See you.

Federico Heine [00:27:37]:

Thank you. Bye bye. A pleasure. Bye bye.

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